Sorry for the lack of updates--I'm currently trying to resolve an ongoing internet access situation. While my apartment is hooked up to the net, in Russia most people still pay usage instead of a flat monthly rate, so there's no money on my "card." In order to put money on it, I need the account info, which is proving harder to get than it should be, not because of any technical difficulties but shall I put this...lack of focus on the part of the girl renting me the apartment. While it's not a priority for her, it means everytime I want to check my email I have to go to the netcafe or one of the cafes with free Wi-fi. Not the end of the world, but it gets a bit tiresome and makes it near impossible to coordinate Skyping opportunities with people back home. Hopefully it will be resolved soon, however.
In more cheery news, I had my first full day of classes on Friday with fourth-years, third-years, and first-years. The third- and fourth-year classes left me very impressed. Turns out the second-years I had first are just a wily bunch, as the others were much more interested in and focused on learning and speaking English. While most of the class time with the first-years was dedicated to separating them into two classes based on their skill level, to their credit they spoke very well for their first college English class. Both the 3's and 4's had lots of good suggestions for what topics of American culture they'd like me to cover this year. As expected, holidays and history were both very popular choices (oh, I forgot to mention they're all history students) which is great for me as a teacher as I'll enjoy both subjects. It looks like I'll be taking over the 4's class once a week very soon, maybe even next week. I'm sure the same sort of format will emerge for the 3's. It's still unclear how we'll handle the 1's and 2's. While I'm certainly not afraid to take on my own classes, I'll probably be best utilized with the more advanced students, as I'm not a trained teacher of English, something I think Tatiana appreciates.
I'm to prepare a short lecture on a topic of my choice for tomorrow. I decided since holidays were so popular in the suggestions I'd start with the Fourth of July. It seems a perfect choice for many reasons--it's the quintessential American patriotic holiday, it's got a lot of history tied up in it, and I get to talk about fireworks, barbeque, and Will Smith blowing up aliens. I'm looking forward to it, and trying to scale the follow-up activity based on skill level. We'll see how it goes!
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