Well, today was my first day of class, both for the school year and as a teacher. It's more than a bit weird to be on the other side of the desk with everyone looking at you for instructions. I'm starting out by just teaching with Tanya as her in-class assistant and resident Superteacher of English®. The class was made up of second-year students, so they weren't total beginners in their English studies. It was a little less weird than I had thought it would be being the one in semi-charge, as kids tend to start university a bit younger in Russia and thus there was a larger age difference than I'd feared.
There was a lot of Russian spoken in class (I'd estimate up to as high as 90-95% of the words spoken), but it was the first day back from summer vacation so I'm trying not to put too much stock in it. I'm definitely planning on running things a bit differently if/when I take on my own classes, though. Tomorrow I've got three classes, including fourth-years, third-years, and first-years, so we'll see how those differ. I've been tasked with preparing a 10-minute activity for the third- and fourth-years, sort of an icebreaker type thing, so I'm going with the one where you write three sentences about yourself, two of which are true and one which isn't. The rest of the class then has to figure out which is the lie. It's simple, but it'll use vocabulary they know and it'll get them talking. We'll see how it goes.
In other news, I'm going to have to take some kind of instruction at the university as I'm here on a student visa. While I'm obviously here to teach, they need some kind of official reason for my having that type of visa, so it looks like I'm going to be getting some private instruction in Russian a few hours a week. It's fine with me, as it's something I'd wanted to do anyway, and I could definitely use it. Not much else news as of now, more later.
I did want to say thanks to those of you that have subscribed as followers. If you'd ever like to ask any questions or anything, you probably know of other ways to get a hold of me, but I will check the comments on any posts and respond as soon as possible. If you'd like to post a comment, you just need to sign into a Google account. If you don't have one, it takes about forty seconds to sign up for free. I'd set it to let anyone comment, but I could do without the automated comments offering me real natural male enhancement. You understand.
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