As given away by the title, I finally got my internet connection up and running beautifully in my apartment. Okay, "finally" might be a bit exaggerated, given that it was only a shade under two weeks, which isn't really that long. But I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like a long time when it means you get to check your email once a day for an hour. If I were in the field of psychology, I would most certainly do my research in the psychology of the Internet. While it sounds a bit silly, I just feel so much more connected to the world now that I can get an email whenever someone sends it to me and actually take the time to look at things like the news and what's happening in the world. It almost feels like the first time I discovered the Internet all over again. I remember I was in college at the time, and Al was off with another one of his crazy ideas, but darn if it didn't turn out to be a good one. Oh, and while we're on the subject, you've probably heard that Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were roommates in college. What never gets mentioned, much to my chagrin and their respective delights, is that it was a triple, and I was the third guy. It's not my fault I'm not famous, and for the record, it stinks. It's like being the one Wayans brother who didn't go into acting.
Anyways, classes have been going well. I'm going right through American history with my group of second-years, and with the fourth-years I think I might skip ahead to the 20th century. They're fourth-year historical archiving students, so they already know most of what I would tell them. On the first day of class one of the things they wanted to learn about was American subcultures, so I figured starting with 50s beat-era stuff and then going right into the subcultures-as-mainstream 60s would be good. Now that I've got the net I can do some proper research for these things, too, and not have to really on my memory. And trust me, that's better for everybody.
Because of your crippling marijuana addiction that you developed in the 60's?